General Member applications are open! They will be reviewed at the end of each month.


General Member applications are open! They will be reviewed at the end of each month.


About Us

Who are we? What do we do? Why do we do it?


Ontario Youth Sustainability Solution provides a space for youth to discuss their ESG ideas and lead initiatives to raise awareness and create sustainable solutions through grassroots sustainability projects, webinars, educational campaigns, and conferences. We empower youth to take action by learning more about the environment and using their knowledge to create an impact within their communities.


Sustainability is defined as being able to do a certain task and future generations not being harmed by its continuance. Sustainability can be applied to the environment, business or even the economy. The Indigenous population practiced sustainability prior to European settlement, and we, as youth, hoped to continue to incorporate sustainable practices in everyday life.

The Ontario Youth Sustainability Solution was founded to increase awareness of the climate crisis and prevent its severe impacts through environmental sustainability.